Creative. Professional. Detail-Oriented.
J.B. Templeton Consulting LLC (JBTC) provides a variety of services related to power transformer technology. The product scope for the majority of the services is comprised of power transformers that are engineered products. Power transformers in this market segment are not commodities and it is necessary to understand the features and performance of transformers to ensure proper operation in the client power grid.
Transformers in this segment are designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with 1vendor practices, industry standards (IEEE or IEC standards), and client specifications. Of these bodies of information, the industry standards are the most definable as they are published in the public domain. The vendor practices and client specifications vary greatly from vendor to vendor and from client to client. It is in these two areas that the utilization of a transformer consultant is valuable to the client. In the majority of cases, the transformer consultant is a resource to assist the client in the procurement process of a power transformer.